產品名稱:暗架鉤掛系統更新時間:2016/5/30 16:52:53 |
應用場所/Application places 適用于辦公樓、商務場所、醫療、公共交通、會議中心等。 Suitable for office buildings, commercial places, medical treatments, public traffic, conference centers and the like.
系統特性/System characteristic: 根據實際空間的需要, 靈活設計天花板面的尺寸及組合模數。 The size and combined module of ceiling panel is flexibly designed as required by practical space. 鉤掛式金屬天花板采用鉤掛方式安裝在懸吊系統上,龍骨完全隱藏,吊頂面簡潔平整。 The hook hanging type metal ceiling is hung on the suspended system with hooks; the keel shall is completely concealed and the suspended ceiling surface is clear and smooth. 吊頂面板適用不同材質、材料類型,可與機電、空調、消防、弱電系統完美對接。 The suspended ceiling panel is suitable for different types of materials, and can be perfectly butt-jointed with electromechanical, air conditioning, fire-fighting and ELV systems. 簡易安裝及拆卸,無需單獨設置檢修口。在室外環境,龍骨系統配有防風碼結構,結構牢固。 Easy assembly and disassembly without setting a manhole separately. In outdoor environment, the keel system is provided with a firm wind-proofing structure. 可徒手裝卸,不需任何輔助工具, 靈活簡易。配合活門系統,便于維護。 The system can be assembled and disassembled by hands without any auxiliary tools, is flexible and simple, and facilitates maintenance with the valve system matched.
標準組合/Standard combination
產品參數/Product parameters
下一條:暗架卡式系統 |